Archive for January, 2011

Musings on being a “Meeting Fairie”
January 5, 2011

I was tickled to read yesterday’s e-newsletter from Seth Godin titled…”Making meetings more expensive…might actually make them cost less.”

Seth encourages that organizations hire a “meeting fairie” in order to ensure that meetings are short, efficient and effective.

Yeah! That’s been my argument for the past 25 years as I’ve worked with hundreds (maybe thousands?) of clients to help them accomplish more than they would have on their own while enjoying the process of creative collaboration.

Seth’s list has all the nuts and bolts of running great meetings covered—like making sure that there is a clear purpose, managing the flow of information and following up to ensure implementation, but he doesn’t talk specifically about the art and science of harnessing a team’s best thinking to get creative and actionable results. That’s what we do, drawing upon a wealth of experience and a wellspring of tools and techniques –many of which I’m writing about in an upcoming book.

We creative catalyst/facilitators love what we do! Now, perhaps I should consider a name change to “Fairie”?

Thanks for the boost Seth!

Laurie Tema-Lyn
Practical Imagination Enterprises