Archive for January, 2010

Musings on being indispensible
January 18, 2010

Dear Readers;

For years I’ve marveled at the work of Seth Godin– master marketer, blogger, change agent; but I hadn’t seen him do his thing live until Friday. I participated in an event promoting his new book, Linchpin. True to form, Seth rocked us all with his wisdom, warmth and message of empowerment. Seth made a case for how we’re moving out of the industrial age into the age of “Art.”

Seth’s not just talking about painters and musicians, but entrepreneurs, passionate folks in all aspects of work and life who choose to use their gifts to make a difference. They invent, lead, make connections, create order out of chaos. Seth is calling out for people to stop being defined by the system and make their own maps; to choose to make a mark and share their gifts in the world and become indispensible, “linchpins.”

Though I’ve been an entrepreneur in the creativity business for most of my professional life, I know this is not necessarily easy to do. As Seth puts it, we have to deal with The Resistance also known as that lizard brain, which we all have, which tries to sabotage efforts toward change, and keep us in safekeeping mode.

I’m not going to go on here but urge you to get Linchpin. I think you’ll be inspired.

I’d love to hear from you and engage in the conversation.

All the Best!

Laurie Tema-Lyn, Practical Imagination Enterprises, 908-237-2246,

Musings on a dream of hope
January 2, 2010

Happy New Year Dear Readers;

I’ve been absent since Thanksgiving. My work schedule has been hectic, and of course all those other end-of-year events– preparing for and performing in a holiday music concert with VOICES, holiday shopping, visits with friends and family, all have led to putting  my blog writing on the back burner for the month (though I’ve thought guiltily about it.)

While I’m not going to make a big resolution about it, my promise to myself is to be more regular in my blogging and hopefully have something interesting and useful to share with you.

So here’s a little oddity. I awoke rather late this morning with a French phrase in my brain, lingering from a dream. In the dream my husband and I were gathered with a few friends and about to have a toast from a bottle with this label, “Bonne Heure” and then we were going to dance a little  Irish dance that goes by the same name (but spelled differently). Now I only speak a few words of French, so I found this strange, but thought I understood the term.  I just checked Google and learned:

“À la bonne heure; a French term, at a good time, well and good, just right, excellent.”

Now isn’t that a lovely thought to start off a New Year?

2009 certainly had it’s share of challenges; personally and professionally. No one in my world was left unscathed by economic struggles or health issues, fears or anger over things beyond control; and yet, we’ve made it through, whole and in good spirits, and ready to take on a new decade.

We’ve re-tooled, and become more flexible, lost weight, recycled goods, discarded time-wasters, gotten more efficient, more mindful of how we spend money.  For some 2009 has been the worst of times, yet also, the best of times as we’ve focused on WHAT REALLY MATTERS AND WHAT WE REALLY VALUE. We’re doing it personally, and I’m seeing more of my clients taking on this realignment of values in their businesses as well.

So let’s have a toast to a new beginning, this first of 2010,  “ a la bonne heure.”

To your health, happiness, prosperity and peace!

Laurie Tema-Lyn, Practical Imagination Enterprises 908-237-2246