Archive for January, 2014

Musings: Embracing a new year
January 1, 2014

Dear Readers:

Here’s to a happy, healthy, prosperous 2014! May you Dream Big and realize your dreams!

In my career I’ve learned that a key to success is being a comfortable, effective public speaker. Whether I’m giving a formal presentation to a new client or creating an immediate comfortable rapport with a group of participants in a focus group setting, I don’t go in cold. I draw upon a number of easy-to-engage tools and tricks to help me be a relaxed, focused, and spontaneous presenter. These are simple physical, emotional and mental warm ups: breathing, stretching, vocalizing, and imagining.  I’ve written about some in an article entitled:  Breathe It! Sing It! Imagine It! Do It! Inspiration for Expressing Authentic Voice published in QRCA VIEWS magazine, Spring 2011, pages 24-30. You can access the article via this link

If you are in the vicinity of Lambertville, NJ come join us on Thursday, January 9 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm for a great event hosted by Network Lambertville. Good food, good conversation and a mini-workshop on personal preparation for presentation will be held at Green Birdie Productions Studio, 21 Bridge St. Second Floor, Lambertville NJ 08530. Pay at the door: $20.00

RSVP: Rob Bell rob@greenbirdievideo.comImage

And if you want to hear a long, unedited, fun conversation take a listen to my interview with Dwayne D on Hunterdon County’s Chamber of Commerce Internet radio


Laurie Tema-Lyn